UniInput is a Tcl script for Unicode inputting. The Tcl software is from ActiveState. Please consult the company's internet page for updates on ‘activetcl’.
The UniInput script is from a project of Tokyo University. It is downloadable from Endangered Languages of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia.
Installing UniInput
The Tcl shell plus UniInput can be downloaded here. The software archive made available here may be installed as follows:
- Windows 2000 or higher presupposed.
- Create a directory, e.g. ‘c:\temp\subfolder’.
- Unzip ‘Unicode_Eingabe.zip’ into that folder.
- That copies the installation program ‘activetcl8.3.5.0-2-win32-ix86.exe’ plus a folder ‘uniinput’ into your folder.
- Run ‘activetcl8.3.5.0-2-win32-ix86.exe’ and follow its instructions. It will create a folder ‘c:\tcl’.
- Move ‘c:\temp\subfolder\UniInput’ to ‘c:\tcl\UniInput’.
- Call the TCL Shell by
- Start
- Programs
- ActiveState ActiveTcl
- Tclsh83
- Change into the script directory: ‘cd ..’, ‘cd UniInput’.
- Still in the shell, call the UniInput script: ‘wish uniinput_1.0.tcl’.
Using UniInput
The screen is subdivided; the upper part is your writing area, the lower part contains the currently available characters.
- Choose your character set from the menu ‘Language’.
- Click on the character you need. It will be copied into your writing area.
- Copy your product into your target file.
If you need another Unicode character set, you extend the available sets as follows:
- Menu ‘File’, ‘Open’: uniinput_config.dat.
- Add a line consisting of:
- name of language or character set
- comma
- for each character that is to appear on the square buttons, its hexacecimal code,
- or if you simply want a whole Unicode table: hexadecimal code of its first character, hyphen, hexadecimal code of its last character.
- Menu ‘File’, ‘Save’.
Next time you start the script, your new character set will be available from the menu ‘Language’.